Screen Kits
LARGE – fits 12″ diameter shrouds
fits on the top & bottom of P750, & P1000 Ice Eater
SMALL – fits 10″ diameter shrouds
fits on top & bottom of P500 Ice Eater
Made in the USA
Protect your motor with a Screen Kit
There are many reasons you would want to protect your Ice Eater and Surface Aerator from shifting ice, floating debris, fish and wildlife. Whether you are trying to protect your boat, keep your hunting hole open, or aerate your pond to prevent fish kills; these units are your insurance policy and you cannot afford any downtime due to damage.
This 1″ grid plastic coated, hot rolled metal screen kit will help protect your investment by preventing foreign objects from entering the shroud while remaining wildlife friendly so you can be confident it will be operational when you need it the most.
Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to broken propellers or blown out motors; Protect yourself and install The Power House, Inc.’s Screen Kit Accessory.
Size Chart
LARGE – fits 12″ diameter shrouds
fits on the top of F500, F750DP, F1000DP Surface Aerator
fits on the top & bottom of P750, & P1000 Ice Eater
SMALL – fits 10″ diameter shrouds
fits on top & bottom of P500 Ice Eater
Installation Guidelines
Screen Kit comes with necessary hardware (4 plastic clips and 4 screws) to install to either your Ice Eater or Surface Aerator.
Refer to the Size Chart on where you can place them and what size to purchase.
All you will need is a #2 Phillips head screwdriver, and drill with a 3/32 drill bit.
Put your clips on as shown in the picture, drill a pilot hole, and fasten the screw into place.
Work your way around the unit until all four (4) clips are screwed into place.